• Mariia Naumova Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: social entrepreneurship, social enterprises, government support, government policy


Aim. The purpose of the article is to propose guidelines for the government policy to stimulate social entrepreneurship development in Ukraine based on the analyzed international experience. Methodology of research. The purpose set in the article was achieved using methods of induction, deduction and generalization, and method of system analysis. Findings. As a result of assessing foreign experience in stimulating social entrepreneurship, it was found that government support in foreign countries plays a big role. An analysis of the successful practices of social enterprises in the world in recent years allows us to conclude that social entrepreneurs receive a great incentive to develop an enterprise at an early stage if there are national targeted programs for assistance, financing and development. The guidelines of government support in promoting social entrepreneurship are substantiated in the article, provided an opportunity to systematize its tools, principles and priority directions for such blocks: legal (legislative regulation of social entrepreneurship, tax breaks, government register of social entrepreneurs, etc.), financial (public procurement system, subsidy programs, grants, venture capital funds (are created with the government support), guarantee fund, socially-oriented bonds, etc.) organizational (business incubators and business accelerators, regional centres for social entrepreneurship development, activities for capacity building of social entrepreneurship (organization of international and national forums for social entrepreneurs, competition "Social Entrepreneur of the Year", etc.), informational and educational (activities on raising awareness of social entrepreneurship, training courses and seminars are funded by the government, the development of scientific and practical studies by government research institutes, etc.). Practical value. The implementation of the proposed government policy instruments in stimulating social entrepreneurship opens up new opportunities for improving the business climate, enhancing socio-economic development, and hence improving the quality of life of the population in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Naumova, M. (2022). THE GUIDELINES OF GOVERNMENT SUPPORT IN STIMULATING SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2 (106), 84-88.