• Victoria Borysova Sumy National Agrarian University
Keywords: social health insurance, discriminant model, insurance medicine, health service, insurance market


The purpose of the article is to develop scientifically based suggestions for the development of the health insurance system in Ukraine by improving existing and developing theoretical, methodological and organizational principles. The peculiarities of the development of a discriminative model for diagnosing the socio-economic potential of medical insurance and the development trends of the medical insurance system in Ukraine were studied. Methodology of research. To achieve the goals set in the article, general scientific and special research methods were used: Analysis and synthesis, economic-mathematical, systematization and generalization, statistical and regulatory methods for assessing the socio-economic potential of medical insurance in Ukraine from 2014 to 2021. Results. Taking into account the dynamics of the assessment of the socio-economic potential of medical insurance, it can be argued that medical insurance in Ukraine has sufficient internal potential for its development. However, despite the presence of the internal potential, the industry also has additional opportunities to strengthen it. Development of these opportunities should be the main focus of the socio-economic potential management system of medical insurance. The proposed approach to the development of a model for the diagnosis of socio-economic potential makes it possible to develop appropriate models in other branches of insurance in accordance with the specifics of the object of insurance protection. The practical significance of the research results. Block estimates of the financial potential of health insurance provide sufficiently complete information about the dynamics of individual indicators and areas of industry activity. Using a discriminant model, it is possible to compare the effectiveness of the health insurance resources usage over time, thereby influencing the existing socio-economic potential, changing each of its components. The necessity of assessment of the socio-economic potential of heals insurance to increase the efficiency of state financial management of the health care financing system and the regulation of the insurance market is demonstrated.


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How to Cite
Borysova, V. (2022). DIAGNOSIS OF THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF HEALTH INSURANCE IN UKRAINE. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2 (106), 31-41. https://doi.org/10.37734/2409-6873-2022-2-5