• Maryna Nahara West Ukrainian National University
Keywords: business model, sustainable development, value, management, strategy, resources


The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical and applied aspects of business models. Methodology of research. The achievement of the purpose set in the article is carried out with the help of the following research methods: content analysis, dialectical approach, induction and deduction, logical approach, graphic method. Findings. The views of scientists regarding the formation of the business models concept are analyzed. The contribution of scientists to the meaningful interpretation of the “business model” concept is outlined. It is determined that the key aspect of the business model is the detailed architecture of the enterprise’s activities with the aim of obtaining profit, gaining and maintaining a high competitive status. The “business model” concept is based on the criteria of complexity, situationality, evolution and practical implementation. The factors determining the architecture of the business model are characterized. The specifics of the interrelated component business models are substantiated. The requirements that a complex business model of a modern enterprise must meet are outlined. The business model should be based on material (financial, technical, informational) resources controlled by the enterprise and key competencies embodied in human resources. The business model should reflect the enterprise’s place in the consumer value chain. The business model must take into account the chaotic and changing business environment. The business model must be clear for practical implementation. It is outlined that the business modeling tools are systematically developing and becoming more complicated due to the acceleration of changes in the business environment. Practical value. Systematization of knowledge in the field of the business modeling will improve management efficiency and enterprise flexibility. The need for further research in the field of business models and their dynamic components is emphasized. It is justified that business models provide the definition, substantiation and implementation of strategic business goals on the basis of optimal relevant schemes.


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How to Cite
Nahara, M. (2022). ТЕОРЕТИЧНІ АСПЕКТИ БІЗНЕС-МОДЕЛІ: ГЕНЕЗА, СКЛАДОВІ, ФАКТОРИ ВПЛИВУ. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2 (106), 19-25. https://doi.org/10.37734/2409-6873-2022-2-3