• Viktoriia Makhinko Priazovskiy State Technological University
Keywords: competitiveness, risks, production infrastructure, development processes, resource intensity management, organizational and economic mechanism, enterprise development management mechanism, specialized infrastructure development centers


The purpose of the article is a theoretical and methodological justification for the development of an organizational and economic mechanism for managing the development of an industrial enterprise. Methodology of research. The achievement of the goal set in the article was carried out with the help of a set of theoretical, methodological and practical diagnostic methods and conceptual provisions for managing the development of industrial enterprises. Results. The analyzed organizational mechanism is a system of the main interrelated elements that are either part of the subjects and participants of industrial enterprises, or which belong to the objects of its production infrastructure. The relationship between these elements should be based on the resource exchange between the participants, the main condition of which should be the maximization by each participant of the additional value from the processing of the received resource until its subsequent transfer to another participant. This allows you to balance the production processes of an industrial enterprise and ensure the rational use of its resources. Centers for infrastructural development and technical re-equipment of production monitor resource exchange, identify problem areas in the development of an industrial enterprise and form programs for technical re-equipment of its production processes. In addition to these functions, the centers contribute to the formation of systems of organizational, legal, organizational and economic forms, and also affect the intensity of development of industrial infrastructure. The centers ensure the balance of production processes of an industrial enterprise on the basis of the organization of development and application of methodological tools for managing their resource intensity. Clarification of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the development of an industrial enterprise in terms of creating centers for infrastructural development and technical re-equipment of production allows for effective resource exchange and expanded reproduction of resources of the studied complex, as well as to form prerequisites for reducing resource intensity and increasing the competitiveness of industrial products. The practical application of the above-mentioned mechanism will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of industrial enterprises in the region, increasing their investment attractiveness and reducing the costs of industrial production. The practical significance of the research results. The use in practice of the proposed theoretical and applied approaches will increase the effectiveness of the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the development of an industrial enterprise. Practical value. The use in practice of the proposed theoretical and applied approaches will increase the effectiveness of the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the development of an industrial enterprise.


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How to Cite
Makhinko, V. (2022). FORMATION OF ORGANIZING AND ECONOMIC MECHANISM MANAGEMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2 (106), 14-18.