• Oksana Khodyrieva National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
Keywords: development, uncertainty, controlling, goal, strategy


Aim. The purpose of the article is to form a mechanism for managing the development of the enterprise on the basis of controlling in conditions of uncertainty. Method. To solve this scientific problem used: structural method; comparative analysis of empirical data; abstract-logical generalization. The provisions and conclusions presented in the work are the result of the analysis of theoretical and practical material of applied researches of domestic and foreign authors. Results. The need for constant adaptation to business conditions requires the company to continuously improve its performance. To manage the development of the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty, it is proposed to use a systematic approach. The article identifies the main elements of a systematic approach to enterprise development management. The article presents the component composition of the enterprise development management system, developed on the basis of a systems approach. The article highlights the basic principles of industrial development management and forms the goals of industrial development. Approaches to the formation of the development management mechanism have been developed. The essence of development management is aimed at attracting resources identified during the analysis of its potential. The proposed approach to the management of industrial enterprise development on the basis of controlling is to implement the proposal of controlling tools in the process of industrial enterprise development management in a scenario way and its ability to comprehensively assess the innovation process as a whole, increase management efficiency. The advantages of the presented author's technique are that it is universal in application, is based on the system and complex approach, allows to consider not only quantitative, but also qualitative indicators. The practical value of the research results. The use of the proposed developments in practice will allow the company to clearly define the goals, principles, components of development management and thus form an effective mechanism for development management in conditions of uncertainty.


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How to Cite
Khodyrieva, O. (2022). ФОРМУВАННЯ МЕХАНІЗМУ УПРАВЛІННЯ РОЗВИТКОМ ПРОМИСЛОВОГО ПІДПРИЄМСТВА НА ОСНОВІ СИСТЕМНОГО ПІДХОДУ. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (1 (105), 34-39. https://doi.org/10.37734/2409-6873-2022-1-5