The article summarizes the tools for assessing the financial and economic condition of an enterprise in the context of the formation and development of its potential. The main purpose of the study is to allocate the characteristic features and conceptual approaches to the choice of tools for assessing the financial and economic condition of an enterprise in the context of growth and development of its potential. The systematization of literature sources and approaches to solving the problem has shown that the correct choice of tools for analyzing the financial and economic status helps to identify financial problems at an early stage and develop measures to eliminate them, optimize the structure of assets and capital, which increases financial stability, forecast the development of enterprise and make sound management decisions and increase investment attractiveness, which helps to attract additional resources for growth. The relevance of solving this scientific problem lies in the fact that modern enterprises, in the conditions of fierce competition and great dynamism of environmental factors, are forced to look for ways and tools to improve the efficiency of their property and capital management through the use of the latest tools for assessing their financial and economic condition. The research in the article is carried out in the following logical sequence: methods for assessing the financial and economic status of an enterprise are allocated, the tools for assessing the financial and economic status of an enterprise are characterized, the place of assessment of the financial and economic status in the “potential square” of an enterprise is determined, and a schematic model of the strategy for developing the potential of an enterprise is built. The methodological tools of the study are the methods of analysis and synthesis, graphical method and modeling method. The object of the study is the instrumentarium for assessing the financial and economic status in the context of forming the enterprise potential. The results of the study can be useful for the formation of a model for assessing the financial and economic condition of domestic enterprises in the context of the growth of its potential.
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