• Nataliia Karavan Dniprovsky State Technical University
  • Yuliia Holysheva Dniprovsky State Technical University
Keywords: investment potential, resources, system, comparison of approaches, application features, integration of approaches


The purpose of the article is to systematize and compare existing approaches to determining the essence of the category "investment potential of an enterprise". Research methodology. The goal set in the article was achieved using such research methods as comparative analysis and logical generalization. Results. The conclusion is formulated that for industrial enterprises, effective management of investment potential is of particular importance, since this industry is the basis of the national economy. At the same time, investment potential is considered as a set of resources and opportunities that the enterprise can use to carry out investment activities. It is important that from the point of view of the investment process, the enterprise acts as both an object and a business entity. It is emphasized that investment potential management is a strategic tool that allows for the effective use of internal reserves and the attraction of external resources to achieve its goals. According to the results of the analysis, various interpretations of the essence of the category "investment potential of the enterprise" are presented. Their content and differences are determined by the chosen approach. The essence, constituent elements and features of the application of the most common approaches to determining the investment potential of an enterprise are studied, namely: resource, functional, systemic, innovative, economic and mathematical. The main advantages and disadvantages of each approach are systematized. It is emphasized that a comparative analysis of approaches to determining the investment potential of an enterprise should be carried out according to the same system of criteria. The results of a comparative analysis of various approaches to determining the investment potential of an enterprise are presented according to the criteria of practical application, flexibility, completeness of coverage of aspects, practical applicability and forecasting capabilities. It is emphasized that a promising direction for improving the analysis of investment potential is the integration of resource, functional and systemic approaches. Practical significance of the research results. The practical use of the formulated conclusions regarding the possibility and feasibility of integrating various approaches to determining investment potential will allow taking into account quantitative and qualitative aspects, ensuring the comprehensiveness of the assessment of the existing investment potential, and forming an information base for making informed management decisions to ensure the investment attractiveness of the enterprise and its sustainable development in the long term.


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How to Cite
Karavan, N., & Holysheva, Y. (2025). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF APPROACHES TO DETERMINING THE ESSENCE OF AN ENTERPRISE’S INVESTMENT POTENTIAL. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (1 (115), 9-15.