Keywords: binary assessment, higher education, performance, model, personalized study, study results, strategy, technology, artificial intelligence (AI), ChatGPT, SWOT analysis


Artificial intelligence is being quickly implemented for students’ study in 2022-2024 (both Ukraine and worldwide). Therefore, new AI policies, rules and models become increasingly more relevant. The article purpose is creation of the AI and ChatGPT use model to personalize study in higher education. The personalized study concept is analyzed. Differences between personalized and traditional education are defined. Personalized study is regarded as flexible, interactive and individually adaptable. AI can focus on the primary role of students in the education system with study adjustment to their goals, interests and needs. Such an approach promotes a better preparation of students as future labor market participants, which ensures development of their social and psychological values. Via the binary assessment method, the AI impact on study personalization was considered (medium result: 72.7%). AI tools proved to satisfy most needs of personalized study. To personalize study in higher education, we proposed the AI and ChatGPT use model consisting of three interrelated units: study process, AI integration, study results. Besides, main groups of personalization strategies were classified (by study personalization levels; by interaction with students; by AI integration scope; by AI use aims). AI integration strategies focus on raising academic performance, satisfying students and creating specific educational products. Selection of AI integration strategies within the educational process as well as study environment of the higher education institution is defined via study transformation goals and readiness to implement new technologies.

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How to Cite
Tarasenko, S., Karintseva, O., Duranowski, W., Bilovol, A., & Petrova, A. (2024). MODEL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND CHATGPT USE FOR STUDY PERSONALIZATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (4 (114), 96-107.