The purpose of the article is to study the economic opportunities and problems of Ukraine in the context of internal negotiations with the European Union. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of fundamental reforms that are important for Ukraine's European integration. Of particular importance is the fact that Ukraine is implementing significant internal reforms in the context of ongoing Russian military aggression. These conditions make the integration process extremely difficult, making reforms not only a path to EU membership but also a critical component of the country's recovery and future resilience. At the same time, the war has contributed to the intensification of Ukraine's integration processes into European institutions, which requires a separate scientific study. The authors note that the integration process is always a major challenge for both the candidate country and the EU itself. Methodology of research. The method of logical generalisation and scientific abstraction was used in the study. The author analyses the latest research and publications on Ukraine's fulfilment of the mandatory criteria for EU accession. Findings. The study demonstrates that the fulfilment of the mandatory criteria, their features and possible prospects in the course of negotiations on accession to the European Union are in line with Ukraine's European integration commitments. The article notes that Ukraine's current situation requires not only addressing current problems but also post-war planning for the country's reconstruction. In addition, the study discusses the ongoing reforms of customs and tax legislation, which are being brought in line with EU standards, demonstrating Ukraine's commitment to integration and legal reforms necessary for EU membership. Particular attention was found to be paid to fundamental reforms of the judiciary, public procurement, statistics and financial control, which are key to EU integration in the Fundamental Reforms cluster. These reforms are closely monitored by the European Commission, which underscores their importance in the broader negotiation process. Practical value. The findings of the study can be used to develop further steps towards Ukraine's integration into the European Union, in particular, to strengthen reforms and achieve compliance with EU standards, which will contribute to the country's economic recovery.
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