• Olga Chernetska Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
  • Olga Gubaryk Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
  • Bohdan Fedoryshyn Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
  • Yevhen Sirenko Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
Keywords: accounting resource, information support, economic security, risks, business entity, analytical tools, management solutions, optimization


The purpose of the article is to determine the place of the accounting and information resource in the system of economic security and to develop recommendations for optimizing information support for the needs of the management of the business entity. Research methodology. The announced goal was achieved on the basis of a systematic approach using the methods of analysis, synthesis, formalization, description, and logical generalization. Findings. The role of accounting and information provision in the formation of the economic security of the business entity is emphasized. The task of accounting and information support in the process of forming the economic security of the enterprise is summarized. Attention is focused on providing enterprise managers with reliable, complete and timely information in the process of making informed management decisions for the needs of monitoring risks and threats to the financial stability of the business entity, as well as developing measures to minimize their negative impact on the economic security of the business. Attention is paid to the expediency of using specialized technologies for the formation of an information resource in business. The accounting and information resource is defined as an effective tool for ensuring competitiveness, stability and financial stability in current business conditions. The importance of optimizing information support for the needs of the management of the business entity is emphasized. The factors of economic security have been determined, which became the basis of the proposed algorithm of actions to optimize information support for the needs of managers of the business entity. Practical value. The proposed measures for the protection of the information space, the use of specialized digital tools, a high level of competence of management specialists, and the establishment of synergy of information resources at all levels of management will minimize the risks and threats of the business environment, as well as ensure the financial stability of the business entity. The development of a conceptual model of financial and economic security management in the context of its informational component is defined as the perspective of further research.


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How to Cite
Chernetska, O., Gubaryk, O., Fedoryshyn, B., & Sirenko, Y. (2024). THE PLACE OF THE ACCOUNTING AND INFORMATION RESOURCE IN THE SYSTEM OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE ENTERPRISE ENTITY. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (4 (114), 59-62.