The purpose of the article is to improve the theoretical and practical aspect of financial support for sustainable economic development of Ukraine in the conditions of a long-term military conflict. Methodology of research. The goal set in the article was achieved using the following research methods: logical generalization and scientific abstraction, trend analysis, analytical and graphic methods. Findings. The relationship between the sustainable economic development of the country in the conditions of martial law and the implementation of investment support for such development by the government is determined. On the basis of an analytical study of the effectiveness of the use of internal resources of the country, such as bank and budget financing of the recovery and development of the economy of Ukraine over the past ten years, it is proposed to form and implement a balanced strategic program for stimulating the recovery and economic growth of the country, which should combine the effective action of monetary and tax instruments state regulation in order to ensure the stable preservation and growth of internal financial resources and the country due to their more effective use, even under the conditions of a decrease in external support for the processes of economic recovery of Ukraine. Practical value. The practical use of the proposed theoretical and applied approaches will increase the effectiveness of the monetary and tax policy of Ukraine for the implementation of investment financial support for the sustainability of the economic development of Ukraine as an independent country in the war and post-war periods.
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