Keywords: business, enterprise, strategies, occupational safety


Occupational safety is an integral part of the business strategy of a modern enterprise, serving as the basis for sustainable growth and operational efficiency. The strategic importance of occupational safety is examined in promoting employee well-being, ensuring regulatory compliance and increasing organizational resilience. The alignment of safety initiatives with business objectives is emphasized to minimize risks, reduce costs and increase productivity. Integrating safety measures into strategic policies of enterprises not only fulfills ethical responsibilities, but also provides competitive advantages, including attracting talent, strengthening the brand and trusting stakeholders. The study emphasizes the role of leadership in implementing a safety culture and the need for continuous training of employees to solve new problems in the workplace. Ultimately, occupational safety as a strategic element contributes to long-term success by ensuring a safe and sustainable work environment. Therefore, the occupational safety management system of a modern company is a complex but important mosaic, where variability and technical complexity come together to create a safe and productive work environment. Having examined the issue of occupational health and safety, we note that it is a critically important component of a business strategy aimed at ensuring a safe working environment, improving employee well-being and contributing to the overall stability and profitability of enterprises. The integration of occupational health and safety systems into a business strategy is a key factor in increasing the productivity and economic efficiency of an enterprise. Investments in occupational health and safety not only reduce risks and compensation costs, but also contribute to increasing employee motivation and optimizing production processes.


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How to Cite
Resler, M., Brodovych, Y., & Forziun, Y. (2024). OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AS AN ELEMENT OF BUSINESS STRATEGY AT ENTERPRISES. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (4 (114), 23-26. https://doi.org/10.37734/2409-6873-2024-4-4