• Nataliia Kyrnis Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Ihor Surzhykov Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Taras Kunpan Poltava University of Economics and Trade
Keywords: consumers, restaurant services market, business processes, automation, service


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the impact of chat-bots on the quality of services in the restaurant business. Research methods. The following research methods were used in the scientific article: analysis and synthesis, systematization, scientific abstraction, survey. Results. The study determined that automation of business processes of restaurant business enterprises is a key task. The necessity of business process automation is substantiated. It is substantiated that the following processes can be automated at restaurant business enterprises through the use of chat-bots: creating an order by a consumer, preliminary calculation of the cost of the order, processing the order by the administrators of the hall and kitchen, pre-ordering waiters and cooks, table setting and serving dishes, paying for the order, receiving feedback from the consumer. The advantages of chat-bots for automation are determined. A list of processes for automation with a chat-bot is proposed. The opinion of consumers of restaurant services on the use of chat-bots in the restaurant business is studied. A study was conducted on the quality of perception of automation of service processes by young people. It was found that 88% of respondents believe that chat-bots perform simple tasks well and work according to the appropriate algorithm. The study identified the priorities that guide businesses when using chat-bots. The main reasons for the introduction of chat-bots are the optimization of operating costs by companies and easy management and change of system settings. Taking into account the emotional state of consumers, communication with automated systems does not create positive impressions and a degree of guest satisfaction that would give a company a competitive advantage The article establishes that by using chat-bots, restaurant businesses will be able to carry out the following: automatic table reservation, instant confirmation and reminder of reservations, setting up seating, updating services in real time, virtually managing waiting lists, providing personalized recommendations, collecting guest feedback and effectively managing staff. Practical significance of research results. The use of chat-bots in the automation of business processes at restaurant business enterprises will help to improve the quality of service by reducing the speed of service, making services original, attracting new guests and creating pleasant emotions from the services for guests.


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How to Cite
Kyrnis, N., Surzhykov, I., & Kunpan, T. (2024). THE IMPACT OF CHAT-BOTS ON THE QUALITY OF SERVICES IN THE RESTAURANT BUSINESS. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (4 (114), 17-22.