• Iryna Cherniavska Dniprovsky State Technical University
Keywords: project, project management, value, scope of the project, measurement, healthcare, medical organization


In modern conditions, project management technologies have found their successful implementation in various fields. When implementing projects in medical organizations, it is necessary to have modern value measurement techniques to choose indicators of the effectiveness of project decision-making reasonably. In particular, planned performance can be measured and evaluated; timely and accurate information about project work progress will allow us to determine appropriate actions to eliminate deviations from the desired result. The purpose of the article aims to research and identify the features of the project approach application in healthcare institutions in terms of creating value based on reliable estimates. Methodology of research. The theoretical and methodological basis of the work is a set of principles and methods of scientific research: the principles of systematization and theoretical generalization, as well as methods of grouping and ranking. Findings. Based on the research, the concept of the project, which is understood as an obligation to create value that must be completed in a certain period, within the agreed time, resources, and operating conditions, has been specified. Conceptual approaches to understanding the project as an object of management and principles and features of project management in medical organizations are studied. The basis for the analysis was the scientific works of scientists on the specified issue, materials, and data from the official website of the Ukrainian Project Management Association. The theoretical and methodological basis of the work is a set of principles and methods of scientific research: the principle of systematization and theoretical generalization, methods of grouping and ranking. As a result of the study, the area of implementation, "Measurement," which is one of the eight project implementation areas, was considered. The measurement value was recorded, not consisting of data collection and dissemination but of communication about using this data to implement relevant measures. The operations and functions related to assessing the project implementation in the medical organization and the corresponding actions to support the acceptable implementation are defined. A matrix of interaction between the spheres of project implementation of the medical organization was built, which details the characteristics of the relationships of the measurement sphere with the spheres of planning, supply, and project works. Practical value. The obtained results will allow us to intensify the implementation of project management technologies in healthcare institutions and increase the value of the project product based on reliable estimates.


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How to Cite
Cherniavska, I. (2024). APPLICATION OF THE PROJECT APPROACH IN THE FIELD OF MANAGEMENT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (3 (113), 74-79.