• Yuliіa Hlushchenko Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Olena Yarish Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Zhanna Kononenko Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Ruslan Lyzun Poltava University of Economics and Trade
Keywords: public finances, social protection, budget revenues, budget financing, budget expenditures, budget deficit, financial security, international finance, European integration, Russian military invasion


Ensuring the socio-economic development of the state is provided mainly by means of public finances, the level of efficiency of their use has a significant impact on the state of ensuring the well-being of citizens, territories, and the country as a whole. Investigating the economic indicators of the functioning of the financial system of Ukraine under the conditions of significant influence of external challenges and the Russian military invasion, we observe problematic aspects of public finance management. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical foundations and practical results of the organization of public finance management in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine, to identify problematic aspects and to provide suggestions for minimizing existing budget risks and eliminating negative factors of influence in the context of strengthening the financial security of the state. Research methodology. The goal set in the article was achieved using the following research methods: logical generalization and scientific abstraction, structural analysis, analytical, graphic method. The results. The article examines the theoretical foundations of the organization of public finance, the essence of the definition of "public finance", and creates a proper definition of this category. It was found that under the influence of a number of negative factors, the Russian military invasion, there are threats to the economic security of the state. Practical significance of research results. The practical use of the proposed theoretical and practical recommendations will improve the effectiveness of public finance management in Ukraine. In particular, proposals for restructuring on the terms of writing off the foreign debt accumulated during the war, in accordance with the existing practice of other states. In addition, the proposed source of repayment of the state debt is the involvement of frozen assets of the Russian Federation, which are located in the participating countries of the Budapest Memorandum. An important proposal is to strengthen control over the use of funds raised by the state, to promote the reorientation of deficit financing in the direction of the development of priority industries and investment activities. The scientific work of the authors is the determination of the definition of public finance, which reflects economic relations related to the formation, use and redistribution of state and local finances, credit resources under state and local guarantees, funds of the NBU, state banks and state special funds, as well as funds of sub of state and communal property enterprises.


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How to Cite
Hlushchenko, Y., Yarish, O., Kononenko, Z., & Lyzun, R. (2024). PROBLEMS OF PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF MARITAL STATE IN UKRAINE. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (3 (113), 53-58.