• Yevhen Zakrevskyi Research Center for Industrial Problems of Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: communication technologies, digitalization, digital economy, Internet, electronic commerce, digital platform, digital data, institutional transformations


The purpose of the research is to study the relationship between digital technologies, innovative and economic development, and to analyze the advantages of digitalization for countries with different levels of economic development. Methodology of research. The research used methods of analysis and systematization of theoretical, scientific and applied research by Ukrainian and foreign scientists regarding the theoretical and methodological foundations of digitization and the role of the digital economy in the development of innovations. Methods of extrapolation and forecasting were also used in the interpretation of relevant economic processes. Findings. The article revealed that the theoretical foundations, stages, driving forces, and efficiency factors of modern digitalization are considered by modern economic science as the digital economy. The key components of the term "digital economy" are presented: digital technologies, ecosystems and transformations taking into account their interconnection and interdependence, as well as continuity with the previously developed conceptual series - informatization, intellectualization and robotization. The article also provides an interpretation of the object and subject of research, emphasizes the importance of the essence of the phenomenon of the digital economy and the stages of its development. It is noted that the digital economy is an integral part of the information (digital) environment, which is formed in accordance with the needs of the real sector of the economy and the needs of society, changes under the influence of technological innovations. It is emphasized that the digital economy is not individual industries or IT companies that are digital, but, above all, the existing economy - all traditional industries and companies that, under the influence of digital transformation, thanks to technological evolution, are revolutionizing their production and business processes and get new opportunities to improve the productivity and efficiency of the existing business. The results of the analysis allow us to believe that with a high probability in the near future, the level of digitalization will determine the competitiveness of not only business, but also entire countries. At the same time, only such countries and companies can adapt the fastest and maximize the benefits of these changes. Рractical value of the research results lies in the fact that the obtained results improve the scientific vision of the mutual influence of the digital economy on the development of innovations, as well as open the prospects for further scientific research in the direction of stimulating business activity and entrepreneurship in Ukraine.


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Woetzel, J., Orr, G., Lau, A., Chen, Y., Chang, E., Seong, J., ... & Qiu, A. (2014). China’s digital transformation: The Internet’s impact on productivity and growth. McKinsey Global Institute, July, McKinsey&Company. Available at:

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Hilty, L. M., Arnfalk, P., Erdmann, L., Goodman, J., Lehmann, M., & Wäger, P. A. (2006). The relevance of information and communication technologies for environmental sustainability–a prospective simulation study. Environmental Modelling & Software, 21(11), 1618–1629.

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Bressanelli, G., Adrodegari, F., Perona, M., & Saccani, N. (2018). The role of digital technologies to overcome Circular Economy challenges in PSS Business Models: an exploratory case study. Procedia Cirp, 73, 216–221.

Yakovleva, E. (2018). Management of intellectual resources of employees in the conditions of innovative development in the digital economy. Journal of Creative Economy, 12(8), 1073–1088.

Zatsarinnyy, A. A., & Shabanov, A. P. (2019). Model of a prospective digital platform to consolidate the resources of economic activity in the digital economy. Procedia Computer Science, 150, 552–557.

Hojeghan, S. B., & Esfangareh, A. N. (2011). Digital economy and tourism impacts, influences and challenges. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 19, 308–316.

Subramaniam, M., Iyer, B., & Venkatraman, V. (2019). Competing in digital ecosystems. Business Horizons, 62(1), 83–94.

Pagoropoulos, A., Pigosso, D. C., & McAloone, T. C. (2017). The emergent role of digital technologies in the Circular Economy: A review. Procedia CIRP, 64, 19–24.

Mäkiö-Marusik, E., Colombo, A. W., Mäkiö, J., & Pechmann, A. (2019). Concept and case study for teaching and learning industrial digitalization. Procedia Manufacturing, 31, 97–102.

Khoshnevis, B. (2004). Automated construction by contour crafting—related robotics and information technologies. Automation in construction, 13(1), 5–19.

Digital 2021: Global Overview Report. DataReportal– Global Digital Insights. Available at:

Koroliova, V., Grechenko, V., Kovalchuk, M., Samoilenko, V., Shevchenko, T., & Zaitseva, V. (2021). Information and communication activity of students when writing a course work on linguistics. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(1), 115–128.

Biletska, O., Lastovskyi, V., & Semchynskyy, K. (2021). Intercultural communication competence: International relations and diplomacy area. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S4), 1664–1675.

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How to Cite
Zakrevskyi, Y. (2024). THE ROLE OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIONS UNDER MODERN CONDITIONS. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (3 (113), 7-15.