Keywords: grants, EU Grants, European Commission grants, EU Civil Protection Mechanism, UCPM, program possibilities, program benefits


The purpose of the article is to investigate the grant opportunities of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism Program available to Ukraine. Research methodology. While researching this topic, we turned to the competitive documentation of the grant program, as well as to the publications of scientists. Methods that were applied during the research: description, analysis, generalization, induction, deduction, explanation, classification, as well as systemic and functional, etc. Established: the program is a key instrument of the European Union implementing the idea of European solidarity by helping countries affected by disasters. It has been demonstrated: Ukrainian organizations, along with organizations from 27 member states and participating states of the program, have the opportunity to receive grant funding for projects that will contribute to strengthening the civil defense of the EU and our country in particular. The study outlines the main Program goals, including: improving the ability of the Union and member states to identify and assess complex natural disaster risks; increase public awareness and preparedness for natural disaster risk, such as risk awareness and knowledge of how to prepare at home, at school and in the community; improve the efficiency and compatibility of early warning systems; increase the response potential of the Civil Protection Mechanism of the European Union to forest fires, floods, chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear events, search and rescue operations and emergency situations. The article reviews two current grant competitions, namely: "Technical Assistance for Disaster Risk Management" and "Knowledge for Prevention and Preparedness Actions". It has been demonstrated which of the Ukrainian organizations, for what amount of grant funding and for which activities have the right to receive grant assistance within the framework of these competitions. The results. in the conditions of Russia's war against Ukraine, the grant tools of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism Program are effective and efficient in overcoming the devastating consequences of the aggression of the eastern neighbor. In general, the study analyzed the competitive documentation of the "Union Civil Protection Mechanism" Program and 2 types of its grant instruments, and based on this, a number of recommendations were formed for organizations that plan to participate in the competitive selection of project proposals. Summarized: Ukraine, having received such significant support from the European Commission in the form of the prospect of using grant aid from the program, has gained additional resilience and potential for disaster prevention. Practical significance of research results. The obtained results will allow to deepen the knowledge regarding the application of grant instruments of the Program "Mechanism of Civil Protection of the Union" in order to overcome the devastating consequences of Russia's aggression against Ukraine.


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Jean-Paul Monet, Pierre Schaller, Sergio Pirone, Marc Castellnou Ribau, Stéphane Poyau, Marc Dumas. Civil Protection in Europe: Towards a Unified Command System? Lessons Learned, Studies and Ideas About Change Management. Practitioner Paper – Command and Control Studies Proceedings of the 17th ISCRAM Conference – Blacksburg, VA, USA May 2020 Amanda Lee Hughes, Fiona McNeill and Christopher Zobel, eds. Pp. 315–325. Available at: (accessed March 8, 2024).

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Sten Widmalm, Charles F. Parker, Thomas Persson. Civil Protection Cooperation in the European Union. eBook Packages. Political Science and International Studies. Available at: (accessed March 5, 2024).

Tomasz Zwęgliński, Marcin Smolarkiewicz. (2023) The Union Civil Protection Mechanism and Disaster Risk Reduction in Shaping National Security. Routledge. 25 p. Available at: (accessed March 12, 2024).

Tomasz Zwęgliński (July 2020) An Overview of the European Union Instruments Contributing to the Internal Security of the Organization and its Member States. Zeszyty Naukowe SGSP, no. 74. (accessed March 9, 2024).

Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM). European Commission. Available at: (accessed March 11, 2024).

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How to Cite
Kobelia-Zvir, M. (2024). GRANT OPPORTUNITIES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION CIVIL PROTECTION MECHANISM PROGRAM. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2 (112), 80-84.