• Raisa Hrinchenko Odesa National Economic University
  • Olha Orlenko Odesa National Economic University
Keywords: energy efficiency, project, management, stages, features


Energy-efficient projects aimed at optimizing the use of energy in various industries become an effective means of combating climate change and a source of reducing energy costs of enterprises in the conditions of their limited supply. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical foundations and develop practical recommendations regarding the specifics of managing energy-efficient projects of enterprises operating in conditions of uncertainty and risk on the territory of Ukraine. The methodology of research. The purpose was achieved using the following methods: sequential analysis, logical generalization, analytical method. Findings. The article traces the main directions by which energy-efficient projects are developed and implemented in entrepreneurship in the world, such as: introduction of the latest technologies in entrepreneurial activity; development of renewable energy sources; increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and business infrastructure; encouraging the use of clean energy solutions through regulatory mechanisms and financial incentives. Features of the main stages of project management are highlighted, taking into account the specifics of energy-efficient projects. Determination of specific goals, substantiation of the budget and resources, risk analysis are the main steps that contribute to the effective implementation of energy-efficient projects. Understanding the context and needs of the participants is an important step in this process. The choice of optimal technologies is also a key component. Energy saving systems and the use of renewable energy sources require a detailed study of the market, assessment of technical suitability and efficiency, as well as adaptation to specific project conditions. Effective monitoring and evaluation of results is an important stage. The implementation of measurement and reporting systems allows to constantly monitor the effectiveness of measures and respond to possible changes. This makes it possible to improve strategies and correct possible problems in real time. Effective communication management plays an important role in projects of this type. Interaction between all stakeholders, from the project team to authorities and the public, requires a clear and open information policy. Consideration of social and environmental aspects is important for managing energy efficient projects. Maximization of social benefits and minimization of negative impact on the environment are necessary criteria for successful implementation of such initiatives. Practical value. Management of energy-efficient projects in the modern world requires a complex approach and professional leadership to ensure success and compliance with high standards of sustainable development, which should be based on a thorough study of existing leading project management methods, adaptation of methods to the specifics of the field and the peculiarities of the functioning of Ukrainian enterprises in conditions of uncertainty and risk.


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How to Cite
Hrinchenko, R., & Orlenko, O. (2024). FEATURES OF MANAGEMENT OF ENERGY-EFFICIENT PROJECTS. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2 (112), 72-79. https://doi.org/10.37734/2409-6873-2024-2-11