• Ihor Oliinyk Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
Keywords: risks, risk minimisation, risk management strategies, adaptive organisational structures, flexible management methods, matrix organisational structure, network organisational structure, innovative organisational structure


The article is aimed at studying modern approaches to risk management in the system of formation of adaptive organisational structures. Methodology. The purpose of the article was achieved by using the following research methods: logical generalisation and scientific abstraction, structural analysis and analytical method. Results. The paper analyses modern approaches to risk management in the context of formation of adaptive organisational structures. It identifies the key types of risks that affect the process of formation and functioning of adaptive management structures in the context of evaluating the effectiveness of risk management strategies at different stages of organisational development. The publication develops recommendations on optimisation of risk management processes to increase adaptability and sustainability of organisational structures. Practical significance. The practical implementation of the suggested theoretical and applied approaches can be useful in introducing risk management strategies that contribute to the formation of adaptive organisational structures, which in general contributes to an effective response to changes in the external environment and helps enterprises and organisations to avoid potential threats and use opportunities for further development.


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How to Cite
Oliinyk, I. (2024). RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE SYSTEM OF FORMING ADAPTIVE ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURES. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2 (112), 52-59. https://doi.org/10.37734/2409-6873-2024-2-8