• Tetiana Kulinich Lviv Polytechnic National University
Keywords: stability (or sustainability), information support, targeted elements, structural analysis, strategic decisions


The article aims to outline the principles of forming the concept of strategic management for economic stability amid the war in Ukraine and its information support. Methodology of research. The achievement of the stated goal in the article was accomplished through the use of the following research methods: logical generalization and scientific abstraction, structural analysis, and the method of grouping. Findings. It is proposed to create a conceptual framework for strategic management of the stability of economic development of enterprises, which essentially represents a unique, flexible, and adapted structure. The key components of this framework encompass adaptable production and cost management, a focus on diversifying products and markets, and diversification of supply sources. It's confirmed that the success of the strategic management concept for the stability of economic development in enterprises, particularly these targeted elements, during the war significantly relies on the quality of its information support. Practical value. The practical application of the proposed approaches to shaping the conceptual framework of strategic management for the stability of the economic development of enterprises will allow management to adapt to new realities and respond promptly and adequately to changes in the internal and external environment.


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How to Cite
Kulinich, T. (2024). CONCEPT OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT FOR THE STABILITY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISES AND ITS INFORMATION SUPPORT. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2 (112), 46-51.