• Аlla Slavkova Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
  • Dasha Voronovska Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
Keywords: local budgets, consolidated budget, revenues, expenditures, martial law, defense capability


The purpose of the article is to analyze the role of local budget revenues in Ukraine in meeting the needs of territorial communities and strengthening defense capabilities under martial law. Methodology of research. This article is aimed at analyzing the dynamics of local budget revenues in Ukraine, taking into account various aspects, including changes over time and their correlation with expenditures. It also examines the structure and sources of local budget revenues in Ukraine, which allows us to understand their distribution and efficiency of use. The study provides an opportunity to deepen the understanding of the role of local budgets in the financial support of territorial communities and addressing their needs. Particular attention is paid to the share of local budget revenues in total consolidated budget revenues and in GDP. Findings. In the context of the ongoing challenges posed by the military conflict and the need to meet the needs of territorial communities, understanding the role of local budget revenues is becoming critically important. The study also takes into account reserve options for filling local budgets during the war period. Among the reserves are the following: implementation of measures to employ internally displaced persons and create new jobs, including the possibility of relocating business entities; improving the management of utilities and bringing them out of a loss-making state; improving the efficiency of land management by reviewing existing lease agreements, conducting an inventory, systematic land accounting, timely revision of rents and forming a base of taxpayers for land. These aspects will help to understand how local budget revenues contribute to strengthening the defense capability and addressing the socio-economic needs of territorial communities. Practical value. The results of the study can be useful for developing financial management strategies at the local level and optimizing budgetary processes in the country. This article is important for developing effective financial management strategies at the local level and ensuring stability under martial law. Given the complex conditions of the modern world, this kind of research allows us to predict possible risks and develop measures to prevent them.


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How to Cite
SlavkovaА., & Voronovska, D. (2024). REVENUES OF LOCAL BUDGETS OF UKRAINE IN MEETING THE NEEDS OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES AND STRENGTHENING DEFENSE CAPABILITIES UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2 (112), 32-40.