• Оlena Parfentieva National Transport University
Keywords: transport and logistics sector, supply chains, Logistics 4.0, digitalization, automatization, carsharing


The purpose. The article is focused on the study of the transport and logistics sector transformation under the influence of digitization and servitization processes. Findings. The structure of the transport and logistics sector and the peculiarities of nine existing segments of the sector were studied. The functionality of logistics companies is summarized. The features of the existing five groups of logistics companies, which are divided depending on the model of supply chain management (PL models), are determined. It was established that the development of technologies led to a reduction in internal logistics and an increase in the volume of logistics services outsourcing. The available logistic elements in the functioning of forwarding companies, public transport companies and private carriers have been studied. It was determined that economic and technological development led to the formation of the concept of Logistics 4.0, and also stimulated the active development of peer-to-peer service delivery models, such as carsharing, ridesharing, ride-hailing. In the conditions of technological progress, there is an active development of mobility as a service (MaaS) which allows using a technological platform to maintain simplified communication between users and transport companies, to plan, book and pay for a wide range of transport mobility services for satisfaction of travel needs. The main trends expected in 2024 in various sectors of the logistics sector have been identified. It has been established that in the warehouse technologies there are currently trends towards automation and the use of the latest robotics technologies, as well as the active use of the Internet of Things. In transportation, artificial intelligence and machine learning are actively used for analysis and planning of routes, forecasting. In addition, there is an increase in the use of autonomous vehicles and drones in transportation, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of transportation and increase its efficiency. Practical value. Companies are increasingly using blockchain and digital doubles for overall supply chain management. Technologies of augmented reality and virtual reality are actively used to train personnel of logistics companies.


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How to Cite
ParfentievaО. (2024). TRANSFORMATION OF LOGISTICS SERVICES MARKET DURING DIGITALIZATION AND SERVITIZATION ERA. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2 (112), 20-25.