Keywords: social management, social entrepreneurship, development, strategies, management, empirical research


The modern world faces a range of complex social issues such as unemployment, social exclusion, and environmental problems. In this context, social entrepreneurship emerges as a key tool for addressing these issues. By fostering innovation, creating new job opportunities, and ensuring access to social services, social enterprises play a crucial role in improving quality of life and ensuring sustainable development. With growing interest in social entrepreneurship and its potential to address social problems, attention to social management as a key factor in the success of social enterprises is increasing. This article is dedicated to analyzing the role of social management in the development of social entrepreneurship. Through the examination of methods and practices of social management, an attempt is made to understand their impact on the effectiveness and stability of social enterprises in the modern world. In a world where social challenges such as unemployment, social alienation, and environmental issues are becoming increasingly prevalent, social entrepreneurship emerges as one of the key instruments for effectively addressing these problems. However, solving social issues through entrepreneurial activities requires effective management, organizational strategies, and methods that take into account the specificities of the social sector. This article aims to analyze the role of social management as a key factor in the development of social entrepreneurship. The research aims to identify methods and tools of social management that contribute to the creation and successful operation of social enterprises. The methodology includes analysis of scientific literature, study of practical results, and empirical research in the field of social entrepreneurship. The practical significance of the research results lies in defining specific strategies and approaches to implementing social management in the activities of social enterprises. The obtained results can be useful for management personnel working in the field of social entrepreneurship, as well as for researchers in related fields interested in issues of social management and entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite
Ohinok, S., Kohut, M., & Kohut, A. (2024). SOCIAL MANAGEMENT AS A FACTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (1 (111), 51-58.