• Iryna Ierko Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
Keywords: tourism, tourism industry, tourism industry entities, transformation, competitive potential


The purpose. The article analyzes available theoretical experience in the field of existing theories regarding the development of the tourism industry and ensuring its competitiveness. Methodology of research. To achieve the goal, the article used general scientific research methods: analysis and synthesis. Findings. The research scope is the study of four groups of theories, which define the research methodology for the formation of the competitive potential of the tourism industry entities. The theory of entrepreneurship is based on a three-factor concept comprising economic theory, the theory of division of labor, and the theory of dynamic equilibrium. The case study involves highlighting theories of competitiveness, which include the concept of "development and growth" competitiveness, the 5-factor model of competitiveness, and the model of the competitiveness of a tourist area. The third block consists of theories of the tourism industry, the core of which is the concept of localization of places of tourist flows, the tourist destination model "6A", the model of the interpretation of the evolution cycles in the tourist region, the model of the organization of the rural tourism services market, the model of tourism development based on regional tourist complexes, the model of the development of the tourism industry by the level of the market development, the concept of state policy in the field of resort businesses, and the concept of state influence on the development of the recreational sphere of the region. The theories of transformation are elucidated with a focus on theories of structural transformation, theories of structural transformation model of economic growth, concepts of transformation of post-industrialism, concepts of post-industrial society, and concepts of transformational processes of the socio-economic system. Practical value. The author specifies conceptual principles of the transformation of the competitive potential of the subjects of the tourism industry. According to the theories of entrepreneurship, it is the restoration and reproduction of factors of production and the creation of a safe tourist environment in the country. The theory of competitiveness implies the presence of a balance between the satisfaction of tourist needs, consumers (society), ecologically safe environment preserved for future generations, and institutional support for the development of the tourism industry. According to the theory of the tourism industry: the synergistic effect of the interaction of elements of the tourism system, environmental safety, reproductive processes in the tourism industry, and public-private partnership. According to the theories of transformation: qualitative and quantitative structural changes, search for "stimulus" or "transformer", which can be certain factors, processes, or phenomena.


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How to Cite
Ierko, I. (2024). FORMING THE COMPETITIVE POTENTIAL OF TOURISM INDUSTRY ENTITIES: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (1 (111), 5-11.