The phenomenon of leisure activities: tourismology discourse
Annotation. The purpose of the article is to study the transformation of scientific opinion regarding the understanding of leisure and leisure activities in the field of tourism. Methodology of research. The solution of the tasks set in the article was carried out with the help of general scientific and special research methods: analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization. Findings. The views of scientists on leisure activities in the field of tourism are analyzed. A study of the transformation of scientific thought regarding the understanding of leisure and leisure activities in the field of tourism from traditional approaches to modern views was conducted. The value of leisure activities for the realization of health, educational, professional and recreational needs of a person based on his constant self-development and self-improvement is substantiated. This made it possible to reveal the peculiarities of the organization of leisure at enterprises in the tourism sector and the prospects for its development. The contribution of scientists to the development of methodological aspects of the organization of leisure activities in the field of tourism is outlined. It was found that the use of various forms and methods of leisure organization in tourism will serve to increase the attractiveness of tourist destinations. The need for further research into the phenomenon of leisure in tourism is indicated. Practical value. The article substantiates the relevance of further scientific studies of leisure activities in the field of tourism, which will provide an opportunity to increase the competitive position of the domestic tourism industry in the world tourism market. It is advisable to use the scientific provisions of the study in the organization of leisure activities in the field of tourism, identifying the peculiarities of its development and improvement. The results of the research are important for the training of masters in tourism, as they influence the formation of a critical understanding of problems in the field of tourism and recreation and at the boundaries of the fields of knowledge.
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