Improving the quality of container cargo delivery services by logistics outsourcing companies from Ukraine in the context of the sea blockade of ports

  • Irina Moskvichenko Odesa National Maritime University
  • Viktoriya Stadnik Odesa National Maritime University
  • Alina Korosan Odesa National Maritime University
Keywords: logistics supply chains, container cargo, quality of transport services, logistics outsourcing companies, ports, shipping companies


Annotation. The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical and applied approaches to selecting effective supply chains for container cargo by logistics outsourcing companies from Ukraine in the context of the sea blockade of ports. Research methodology. The goal set in the article is achieved using the following research methods: logical generalization and scientific abstraction, structural analysis, and the analytical method. Findings. The cost of various container export delivery schemes through European seaports with cargo delivery to the port of departure by various modes of transport was calculated. As a result, the most efficient delivery scheme was chosen - the export of containers with Ukrainian grain through the Port of Gdynia to the port of Xingang by rail, which is offered by Western Container Terminal LLC, using the sea freight tariff of the Hapag-Lloyd container line. At the current stage, the existence of Ukrainian logistics companies depends on the development of the most variable transport delivery schemes, so the prospects for further research are in the use of dynamic simulation modeling of supply chains, for example, using the AnyLogistix platform, which combines analytical optimization and dynamic modeling in one platform. Dynamic modeling makes it easy to experiment with your supply chain and choose the best solutions to implement. A dynamic simulation model can serve as a digital double of the supply chain, which allows you to experiment with improvements and track all important indicators: costs, revenue, inventory dynamics, service quality, bullwhip effect, capacity, inbound/outbound orders. Logistics outsourcing companies will be able to test multiple supply chain transformation scenarios, vary parameters, and make business decisions based on testing and evaluating results in a risk-free virtual environment. Practical value. The practical use of the proposed theoretical and applied approaches will improve the effectiveness and quality of services of Ukrainian logistics outsourcing companies. Logistics companies can test multiple supply chain transformation scenarios, vary parameters, and make business decisions based on testing and evaluating results in a risk-free virtual environment.


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How to Cite
Moskvichenko, I., Stadnik, V., & Korosan, A. (2023). Improving the quality of container cargo delivery services by logistics outsourcing companies from Ukraine in the context of the sea blockade of ports. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (1 (107), 19-28.