Implementation of quality standards in the management of small and medium business enterprises
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to study the existing international standards, determine the advantages and disadvantages of implementing QMS in the activities of SMEs and highlight the system-forming factors of ensuring the competitiveness of SMEs based on TQM in modern conditions. Methodology of research. Achieving the goal set in the article was achieved with the help of structural analysis, logical generalization and analytical method. Findings. Integration of Ukraine on an equal basis into the world economy is possible only if international standards are used. Therefore, there is conscious need to review current quality management methods and ensure systematic approach to the "quality problem". One of the most effective ways to solve this problem today is the application of ISO 9000 series international standards. The presence of certification is an additional advantage when solving questions about lending, investing in industrial enterprises for business expansion or modernization. The types and necessity of implementing ISO, the TQM system and mechanisms of their interaction are considered. The points of influence of ISO 9001:2015 are determined and the system-forming factors of competitiveness for small and medium-sized enterprises based on the system of quality management standards are described in detail. The authors considered systemic factors that affect the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in context of the implementation of QMS. They were divided into factors of the external and internal environment. In addition, in this format, the legal and market aspect, internal organizational and financial aspects, the aspect of managerial influence and improvement of the business system were considered. Practical value. Implementation of QMS at the enterprise provides advantages: achievement and stable maintenance of high quality of goods, in accordance with consumer criteria, preservation of existing market segments and their expansion, modernization of technical processes, competitive advantages in participation in tenders, international cooperation. This will allow entrepreneurs to better understand the advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of QMS system and need for its certification, as well as highlight the opportunities that must be applied in the near future, when the emergency recovery of the economy begins after Ukraine's victory in the war with the Russian aggressor.
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