Humanizing values of the Ukrainian economy: challenges of war and possibilities of preservation

Keywords: humanization, human-centeredness, human rights, humanization of the economy, humanizing values, challenges of the war provoked by russia


Abstract. The article is devoted to issues of the importance of preserving the humanizing values of the Ukrainian economy during the war and the post-war period. The scientific manuscript aims to identify the main humanizing challenges for the modern economy and determine the damage caused by the war to human-oriented values, to find out possible ways of their preservation and restoration in the conditions of the war and the post-war period. The methodological basis of scientific research is a complex of general scientific methods, particularly historical methods, methods of analysis, synthesis, judgment and generalization. Findings. Examples of violations of the humanizing achievements of the domestic economy by the russian aggressor are given. Priority steps aimed at averting the threat of a humanitarian economic catastrophe caused by the purposeful destruction of the Ukrainian economy by the rashists are proposed. Possible ways out of the humanizing catastrophe in the field of socio-economic rights of Ukrainians have been identified, which should be grouped into two main groups: those related to the efforts of the international community (international) and those that should be implemented at the level of Ukraine (national). The importance of the development of entrepreneurship and social partnership is argued. Practical value. In order to restore the Ukrainian economy, it is necessary to increase the scientific and technical potential, the professional level of personnel, and stimulate innovative development. In order to resuscitate the people-centric ideals of the modern economy in Ukraine, a combination of the efforts of the international community and Ukrainian society is necessary. Firstly, it is possible to develop joint business projects, which will be a significant step towards economic European integration. Emphasis is placed on the need to monitor the crimes inflicted on Ukraine by the full-scale invasion of russia in order to bring the russian empire to international responsibility and compensate for the damage caused by it. The basic directions of the reproduction of the domestic economy have been determined as well as its further development oriented at human interests.


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How to Cite
Kosovych, B. (2023). Humanizing values of the Ukrainian economy: challenges of war and possibilities of preservation. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (1 (107), 5-11.