• Vasyl Skupeiko Lviv University of Business and Law
  • Nadiia Zavalnytska Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • Nataliia Struk Ukrainian Academy of Printing
Keywords: logistics, green logistics, ecological logistics, ecological safety, sustainable development, green economy, environmental protection


The purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the existing interpretations of the concept of green logistics, as well as to clarify it’s object and subjects, goals and objectives, principles and functions. Methodology of research. The purpose of writing the article is achieved through the use of the following research methods: deduction and induction, analysis and synthesis – to study the theoretical provisions; abstract-logical method, causation, comparison, generalization and systematization – to summarize the results of research and formulate key provisions. Findings. The expediency of using the term green logistics to define logistics activities, which in accordance with the principles of sustainable development uses technologies that do not harm the environment, is substantiated. Approaches to the interpretation of the concept of green logistics in the works of domestic and foreign scientists are studied and generalized. The author's interpretation of the concept is offered taking into account the principles of the system approach: it is an innovative direction of logistics, based on the use of advanced techniques and technologies to save logistics resources, increase their efficiency, reduce the negative impact on the environment and ensure proper consumer value. It is noted that the concept of green logistics includes a synthesis of economic, social and environmental components. It is noted that the process of “greening” of logistics activities is the gradual greening of its components: supply, information, production, warehousing, distribution and transport logistics. The purpose and tasks of green logistics, it’s object and subjects, principles and functions are researched and specified. Practical value. These theoretical and methodological developments of this study will be an important basis for further researches in the field of logistics, sustainable development and technologies that are safe for the environment. More active involvement of the method of green logistics in practice will help to increase the efficiency of logistics processes, minimize their negative impact on the environment and save natural resources.


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How to Cite
Skupeiko, V., Zavalnytska, N., & Struk, N. (2022). «ЗЕЛЕНА» ЛОГІСТИКА: ПОНЯТІЙНИЙ АПАРАТ. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (1 (105), 169-174. https://doi.org/10.37734/2409-6873-2022-1-21