The purpose of the article is to monitor the state of the hotel industry in Ukraine and Poltava region, and to identify opportunities for the restoration of the hotel industry after the pandemic of 2019–2020 to increase the capacity of hotel enterprises. Research methodology. The realization of this goal is achieved through the use of general scientific research methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, and systems analysis. Results. The stages of the research are developed and their condition is assessed. The changes that took place in collective and similar accommodation facilities during 2011–2017 and 2018–2020 (before and during the pandemic) are studied. The efficiency of some hotel enterprises in Ukraine and the region is substantiated. It is determined that in contrast to the existing sectors of the economy, achieving the goal and gaining a competitive advantage in the field of hospitality is possible only if the risks are reduced and shortcomings are eliminated. The specifics of the development of hotel enterprises are largely related to the development of the regions. It is noted that Poltava region is one of the promising regions for tourism and hospitality.
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