• Mariia Bahorka Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
  • Iryna Kadyrus Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
  • Nataliy Yurchenko Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
Keywords: consumers, consumer behavior, groups and levels of research methods, methods of studying consumer behavior, methods of forecasting the domestic consumer market, consumer archetype


The purpose of the article is to generalize and systematize methods of studying the internal market of consumers and their behavior, as well as to specify certain methods of researching consumer behavior depending on the archetype of buyers. Research methodology. The research process used general scientific and applied methods to study the domestic consumer market, predict its development, using forecasting methods. Results. The article analyzes, generalizes and systematizes methods of consumer market research and consumer behavior. The authors of the article state that in the consumer goods market, the key actors are producers and consumers who have certain goals of interaction. It is emphasized that under modern conditions of development and globalization processes in the economy the basis of effective and profitable activity of producers is the study of consumer needs, their possible behavior. The authors of the article emphasize that modern scientists have thoroughly researched and systematized groups and levels of research methods. Based on scientific achievements, the authors generalized various methods of cognition (economic, statistical, mathematical and others). The authors of the article note that in economics research methods are defined as techniques, procedures and operations of empirical and theoretical knowledge and study of phenomena. The authors agree with researchers that to obtain comprehensive results when studying the domestic market of consumer goods, it is advisable to consider it based on the use of different groups of methods. The authors emphasize that in addition to studying the domestic consumer market, there is a need to predict its development, which is implemented using forecasting methods: economic-mathematical, economic-statistical, linear programming, queuing theory, communication theory, probability theory, network planning, methods of business games, expert assessments. Practical significance of research results. Based on the systematization, the authors have made recommendations for the use of methods of researching consumer behavior depending on the archetype of buyers.


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How to Cite
Bahorka, M., Kadyrus, I., & Yurchenko, N. (2022). METHODS OF RESEARCH OF THE DOMESTIC MARKET OF CONSUMERS AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOR. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (1 (105), 129-137.