Keywords: Internet technologies, advertising, marketing communications, online store, advertising campaign, Web-server


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the effectiveness of advertising activities of the company through the use of Internet technologies. he effectiveness of online advertising in the marketing system of the company is largely related to the level of development of marketing communications. The result of an advertising campaign on the Internet is determined by the demand and level of awareness about the quality and properties of the goods and services provided in order to encourage potential consumers to purchase them. An important factor in the economic well-being of the company are integrated marketing communications aimed at maximizing customer satisfaction in goods and services. In this regard, the proposed model of integrated marketing communications using Internet resources and tools, aimed at improving the efficiency of commercial activities of organizations, increasing sales, expanding customer base. Methodology of research.. The achievement of the goal set in the article is carried out with the help of the following research methods: logical generalization, system analysis, analytical method. Findings. It is proposed to conduct an advertising campaign based on a web-server, which is a kind of platform for placing an advertising web-site of the organization on the Internet. It is determined that the content of the advertising web-site depends on the goals and objectives of the advertising campaign. Thus, the algorithm for conducting an advertising campaign on the Internet on the basis of an advertising web-site takes into account the needs of the target consumer segment, the dynamics of demand and market conditions. Practical value. The practical use of the proposed model of integrated marketing communications with the use of resources and tools of the Internet will help increase the efficiency of commercial activities of organizations, increase sales, expand the customer base of visitors. The article substantiates proposals for improving advertising by creating an online store and developed an algorithm for organizing the commercial activities of the online store, which includes specific recommendations on the procedure of customer registration, registration, order confirmation, method of delivery, advertising.


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How to Cite
Podskrebko, O., & Ivanchenko, N. (2022). INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES IN ADVERTISING ACTIVITIES OF THE ENTERPRISE. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (1 (105), 100-105.