• Stanislav Petko Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
Keywords: digital technoglobalism, R&D, Republic of Korea, Information and Communication Technologies, Industry 4:0, semiconductors, TNC


The purpose of the article is to investigate the latest trends of the digital techno-globalism, its evolution and the impact on the formation of the Republic of Korea on the technoglobal business environment. Methodology of research. The achievement of the purpose was done by using the following research methods: comparative analysis, scientific abstraction and analytical method. Results. Due to the technoglobalism, transnationalization of the economy, internationalization of the manufacture, participation in the global scientific and technical exchange, government financial support of Research & development, using of the 4:0 Industry technologies and the dynamic development of the newest ICT industry, Republic of Korea got the ability to take the second place among the largest manufacturer countries of the semiconductors products. It is proved, that due to the global rising demand and revenues from the semiconductors sales by «Samsung» and «SK Hynix» corporations, South-Korean Government seeks to distinguish semiconductors items, as one of the priority exports categories, which will give to the country long-term economy growth and competitiveness on the technoglobal market. Being the country with a digital economy, South-Korean Government understood all benefits from the technological export of products with a high added value. Research and production cluster, which is led by the South-Korean corporations «Samsung» and «SK Hynix» plays the major role on the global semiconductor market. Due to the high-spread and using of the digital technologies in the mass production and services industry, digital technoglobalism represents the basis of the preconditions for establishing of the research-and-production clusters in development of the science-intensive industries. South-Korean Government has a strong willingness to foster their country into a global semiconductor manufacturer and capture the global market share from such main players as USA, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, Switzerland and China – the main countries-manufacturers. Own semiconductors manufacture is one of the main imperatives in the competitive export model formation of the Republic of Korea which has an impact on the country’s digital infrastructure improvement in the paradigm of the digital leadership. Practical value. Practical experience of the South-Korean transnational corporations formation on the technoglobal markets and getting profits from the high value-added export will allow the Ukrainian Government to understand the importance of the State financial support of the high-technological manufacturers.


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How to Cite
Petko, S. (2022). DIGITAL TECHNOGLOBALISM IN THE FORMATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA ON THE GLOBAL SEMICONDUCTORS MARKET. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (1 (105), 91-99.